Saturday, September 3, 2011

I suck at Blogging

Wow it's been a year since I posted anything. It's crazy to think, but this year i haven't done that much knitting. I started a bunch of sweaters which i never completed and have lost track of where i was at with them. I've had many project intentions but just never got around to doing them or finishing them. Recently my mind has returned to knitting, perhaps because i've started catching up on the past couple months of new podcasts by Never Not Knitting. That show always inspires me. Recently she had a guest on who spoke about sweater designing and that got me to pull off the shelf a book my friend bought me about knitwear design. Unfortunately, i have recently had PRK laser eye surgery and was not yet able to read the book. I'll read it soon, once my vision is 100%

Over the past year, i have actually completed a knit project. It's the TARDIS from Doctor Who.
I finished it and the promptly displayed it on my bed to show it off to my family who were coming over to visit. Within moments my brother in law was lying on my bed with the TV on using my TARDIS as a pillow. I gasped in horror. I had just spent a good 10 minutes trying to make sure the shape of the TARDIS was perfect before displaying it on my bed and he's just mushed is under is head. I quickly took it away from him. I tried to put it back in shape and then placed it up out of reach.

That is not the end of the story though. My poor TARDIS became the object of affection for my 3 year old nephew who is a Doctor Who fan. He was just delighted to be able to hold onto the TARDIS and hold it he did. Up and down and spinning around. His little fingers penetrating the stitches and pulling out ends i thought were hidden inside. My TARDIS now just doesn't sit right and it looks a little worse for wear. I keep it high up on a shelf now and I'm working on a smaller version for my nephew to play with.

That's basically what's been going on with me knit wise. I plan on getting back into the swing of things. I tend to go through phases where I binge knit and then i have nothing to do with it for a while. It's time to start shifting back into knit mode.

Catch you later.

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